Be Safe When You Hit the Waves with These Essential Boating Safety Tips Stay safe when you hit the waves this summer with these Boating Safety Tips from, the Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Cou
Important Gas Dock Safety TipsRetired Osage Beach Fire Chief Jeff Dorhauer joins Float Your Boats Deborah Wolfe on the gas dock at Surdyke Port 20 to discuss fueling...
Don't Forget the SwitchLearn the importance of staying connected to your engine cut-off switch and get details about a new law requiring mandatory ECOS usage.
Follow our Spring Boat Prep Checklist and Cruise through Summer Without Boating MishapsSpring has sprung throughout most of the U.S. and that means it’s time to dive into the boating season. But first, take time to give your...
Water Safety Must-Knows from the ProsBrush up on your boating safety with these vides from the 2021 Water Safety Seminar presented by the Lake of Association Ozarks Captains Ass